The Reality of Near-death Experiences

Approximately forty percent of the people who relate their near-death experiences describe what is known as a core experience. A lack of pain and other bodily sensations becomes evident. Occasionally a transitory buzzing sound is noted. A brilliant white is usually seen.

At this time the individual appears to be hovering above his or her physical body. Both hearing and vision are highly developed, more so than normal. Clarity and alertness dominate the mental state, and this experience is most definitely interpreted as being real.

A dark void or tunnel now appears to be pulling at their astral body, and they eventually enter this tunnel. A presence of a loving being is felt as the individual emerges from this tunnel. Time is meaningless now and this person’s life is played back in rapid episodes. The individual appears to be immersed in white light at this time.

A highly evolved spiritual beings or being now give the individual a choice of going on in the light, or returning to the physical body. In some cases there is a direct urging to reenter the body. Once the decision to return is made, this experience quickly ends and there is no recollection as to the process of returning to the physical body. It is impossible for the recipient to accurately relate the quality of this experience to others.

The legal definition of clinical death in many states is a flat electroencephalograph (EEG) reading. Electrical activity is required for the brain to function. Even a hallucination produces this electrical activity, which would appear on the EEG.

Many NDEs have been recorded on patients who exhibited flat EEGs. These patients were medically dead, and if their NDEs were mere hallucinations, why didn’t their EEGs register them? The answer is quite simple. These NDEs are real and enlighten us about what occurs after our physical body dies.

Some patients in an operating room report instrument reading that are documented by their medical records. What is crucial about this phenomenon is that the patient is under general anesthesia and could only see these instruments if they were awake, turned around or were hovering over their physical body. Dr. Ray Moody described an elderly woman’s account of her near-death experience so accurate that she even correctly reported the colors of the instruments used on her. What is especially impressive about this example is that she had been blind for over fifty years. Cultural conditioning can be eliminated as a factor since over twice as many of non-NDEs were not familiar with the work of either Ray Moody or Elizabeth Kubler-Ross back in the 1970s, as compared to those who did report an NDE.


  • NDEs cannot be explained adequately on the basis of drugs hallucinations, or cultural conditioning.
  • Religion, race, and age are also; unrelated to NDEs.
  • Ninety-five per cent of NDEs are positive and literally transform the personality of the recipient. Many patients do not want to return to their physical body because the NDE experience is so positive.
  • A Being of Light often conducts a panoramic life review of the patient during a NDE. Not only is every action observed, but the effects on others are noted. Telepathy is the mode of communication.
  • The patient sometimes gets information about the future. Some of these precognition’s have been documented.
  • NDEs have been described by Plato, Swedenborg, The Tibetan Book of The Dead, and the Bible. Biblical accounts appear in the Old Testament, in Isaiah 26:19 and Daniel 12:2: and in Acts 26:13-26 of the New Testament.
    “At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining around about me and them which journeyed with me.”
  • The overnight personality changes that occur, including a greater zest for life, improved self-confidence, healthier eating habits and increased compassion, simply cannot be explained by hallucinations or any other conjecture proposed by the skeptics critical of this experience.

April 11, 2020 Dr. Bruce Goldberg

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