Astral Voyaging, Music CDs, Ascension Training and Dream Therapy Tapes

The Ascension Training Program

A Six Tape Training Program

Consciousness Expansion – Access your higher self and both experience and accelerate your soul’s growth.

Advanced Out-of-Body Experience – Be prepared for the ultimate altered state of consciousness journey beyond the earth plane.

Access the Akashic Records – Tap into your own karmic files, or that of the universe.

Conscious Out-of-Body Experience – This hypnosis tape guide you gently out of the body and trains you in that art of conscious dying. Your return to the physical body, perfectly safe and empowered, will be most memorable.

Soul Plane Ascension – Rise up and beyond the lower five planes and the karmic cycle to the soul plane, where the soul stays in between lives and chooses its next lifetime.

Ascension/State of Grace – Learn how to purify your soul and ascend to the higher planes.

Music Only Tapes

A Six Tape Training Program

Metronome Beats – This tape is to be used to pace your voice and/or your thought during a hypnotic induction. It is an excellent and in deepening trance levels.

Music For Regression And Progression – The music on this tape is ideal for Age Regression, Past Life Regression, Age Progression and Future Life Progression experiences.

Music For Super Conscious Mind – The music on this tape is ideal for Superconscious Mind Taps.

Music For Out-Of-Body Experience/COBE – The music on this tape is designed for all forms of Out-of-Body experiences, including the Conscious Out-of-Body experience initiated in the Conscious Dying Technique. It can also be used with the Meditation and Angel Encounter Tapes.

Music For Soul Plane Ascension – The tape contains music to assist in the Soul Plane Ascension experience. This technique is actually an advanced Superconscious Mind Tap.

Environmental Sounds – This tape contains a selection of sounds that helps to stimulate memories from the earlier stage this life (Age Regression) and occasionally from previous lifetimes.

The Dream Therapy Training Program

A Six Tape Training Program

Insomnia – Remove sleep disturbances and regularly obtain a night of quality rest.

Superconscious Mind – By accessing your higher self, you are trained to raise your soul’s energy to improve the quality of your various future paths, as well as your present one.

Dream Control – Obtain information from your nightly dreams.

Improve Creativity – Turn your creative projects, from writing to music and artistic pursuits, into a successful reality.

Dream Power – Use your nightly REM cycle to solve problems and empower yourself.

Lucid Dreaming

The Astral Voyaging Program

A Six Tape Training Program

Psychic Protection From Negativity – Protect yourself from all forms of psychic attacks and bad luck.

Spirit Guide Contact – Establish a two-way communication with your Masters and Guides.

A Guided Imagery Astral Voyage – Relax and prepare for a fascinating trip out-of-the-body.

Lucid Dreaming – Learning to be aware that you’re dreaming and use this state to explore other dimensions.

Access the Akashic Records – Tap into your own karmic files, or that of the universe.

Advanced Out-Of-Body Experience – Be prepared for the ultimate altered state of consciousness journey beyond the earth plane.