Ideal Relationship, Custom Design Destiny, and Sexual Fulfillment

The Sexual Fulfillment Experience

A Six Tape Training Program

Self Confidence/Stage Fright – Build up your self image and eliminate the fears of meeting and communicating with people.

Slowing Down The Aging Process – Retain or regain a youthful vigor and add 25-50 quality years to your life.

Female Sexual Dysfunction – Overcome frigidity and increase your sexual desire and enjoyment.

Male Sexual Dysfunction – Overcome premature ejaculation and/or impotency and increase your sexual desire and enjoyment.

Sexual Bliss For Women – Experience the ultimate in sexual joy and attain complete fulfillment on many levels.

Sexual Bliss For Men – Share with your partner on the most enjoyable and fulfilling sex you are capable of reaching.

Custom Design Your Own Destiny The “NEW YOU” Technique

A Six Tape Training Program

Introduction To The “NEW YOU” technique – Dr Goldberg overviews this exciting field and instructs you how to use the other tapes to take charge of your life.

Overcome Procrastination – Remove, once and for all, the most important block to your personal and professional fulfillment.

Attracting Success – Learn how to create abundance and bring various forms of material rewards into your life.

Superconscious Mind – By accessing your higher self, you are trained to raise your soul’s energy to improve the quality of your various future paths, as well as your present one.

Custom Design Your Own Destiny – This tape trains you to lay out an empowered and highly desirable future.

Select Your Ideal Future – Through hypnotic age progression, Dr Goldberg guides you into your five future paths and allows you to choose your ideal future. You are the programmed to “switch tracks” and make this ideal future your new reality

The Personal Empowerment Program – Personal

A Six Tape Training Program

Eliminate Guilt and Worry- Remove these two useless emotions from your awareness.

Positive Thinking and Actions – Eliminate cynical, defeatist and negative thinking as you become a doer and achiever, free of procrastination and attaining goals.

Dream Power – Use your nightly REM cycle to solve problems and empower yourself.

Overcome Procrastination – Remove, once and for all, the most important block to your personal and professional fulfillment.

Increase Your Brain Power – Learn how to maximize your thought processes and vastly increase your knowledge and memory.

Assertiveness – Learn how to avoid being manipulated and begin the process of taking charge of your life.

The Ideal Relationship Program

A Six Tape Training Program

Self Confidence/Stage Fright – Building up your self-image and eliminate the fears of meeting and communicating with people.

Eliminate Guilt and Worry – Remove these two useless emotions from your awareness.

Positive Thinking and Actions – Eliminate cynical, defeatist and negative thinking as you become a doer and achiever, free of procrastination and attaining goals.

Slowing Down The Aging Process – Retain or regain a youthful vigor and add 25-50 quality years or your life.

Find Your Ideal Relationship – Attract a soul mate into your life.

Improve Your Relationship – Transform any existing relationship into one of positively and fulfillment.