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    Books by Dr. Goldberg

    Dr. Bruce Goldberg

    Welcome to what I believe will be a very memorable trip of your life to my website. I’m a dentist and a hypnotherapist. I specialize in past life regression (and Future Life progression) hypnotherapy, and have retired from dentistry to devote full-time to my rapidly expanding international hypnotherapy practice. With the magic of hypnotherapy, almost anything is possible!

    I have been on many radio and television talk shows, I am a media consultant, a New Age metaphysical activist and spokesperson. I have written many interesting books, and have produced dozens of self-hypnosis tapes about this exciting field of hypnotherapy. Feel free to surf my site. Your imagination is the only limit of your experience as you explore the magic of hypnotherapy.

    Dr. Goldberg will be speaking in Laughlin, Nevada from Feb. 27-March 6, 2021 at the UFO Mega Conference
    He will also be seeing private patients there.
    To register for the conferenece visit: www.laughlinufomegaconference.com
    To Book a private session call 818-713-8190/818-714-6494

    Come and experience the magic of
    a healing hypnotherapist.

    Recognized As One of the Leading Hypnotherapists in the Field.
    Don’t miss Dr. Bruce Goldberg and George Noory on GaiamTV’s
    Beyond Belief discussing the past lives and future lives.

    Free CD Offer

    Travel experiential CD.

    Free Videos

    Actual Hypnosis Sessions

    Workshop Description

    Workshop via Dr. Goldberg


    Workbooks & DVD's by Dr. Goldberg


    Articles by Dr. Goldberg

    Hypnotic Exercises

    Dr. Goldberg's Fifth Dimension Travel Excersize


    Dr. Bruce Goldberg helps people relive their past life experiences.

    Oprah Winfrey

    The world’s foremost authority on futuristic time travelers.

    George Noory

    I had two experiences with Dr. Bruce Goldberg’s guidance. They were powerful.

    Sandy Rovner, Washington Post

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